Monday, November 23, 2009


Greeting is the expression which is used to address someone or other people.
Here are some expressions you can use to greet other people.

 Hello
 Hi
 Good morning, Sir/Madam.
 Morning
 How are you?
 How’s life?
 How are things?
 Hi, Bimo! Long time no see.

Here are some expressions you can use to introduce yourself.
 Let me introduce myself. I’m………….
 Hi, my name’s…………
 Hello. I’m Gladys. How do you do?
 Good morning, Sir. I’m Indri, your new secretary.
Here are some expressions to introduce other people.
 I’d like you to meet my friend, Wilda.
 Excuse me, let me introduce you my brother. His name is Fabian.
Here are some other expressions of leave taking.

 Good night, Dad/Mom.
 See you tomorrow.
 Good bye.
 Bye-bye.
 Bye.
 See you later.
 I’m sorry. I must go now.
 See you around.
 Have a nice trip.

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